Official distributor in Russia and CIS countries
Unit HIHPB-31058 is designed to pump fire extinguishing chladones in any phase from 100% gas to 100% liquid.
The Chladone unit is equipped with a 5LG or 7LG pump compressor, depending on the specification.
The compressor in the unit is designed to swing the gas phase of the chladone to a deep vacuum of 500 mm Hg, which allows the gas phase of the chladone to swing to a deep vacuum.
The HIHPB-31058 unit in basic or special modifications can be used for pumping out-of-service chladones, special chladones, problem gases such as carbon dioxide, hazardous, chemically active media.
Filling of small cylinders from a special container or ISO tank.
Chladone charging of fire extinguishing modules, including those from the empty bottle.
Refilling of the high pressure fire extinguishing module with chladone in case of leakage of part of the chladone from the system in case of nitrogen cushion in the module.
Swing the gas phase of the chladone from an empty container (special container or container) to full.
Swing the serviced fire extinguishing module into an intermediate chladone storage container.
Transport of the liquid phase of Freon from one vessel to another.
The economic feasibility of swinging the liquid phase of chladone is obvious.
Losses of the gas phase of chladone are not so obvious, so they are often neglected.
In fact, at least 30 kg of chladone from one special container is lost with the gas phase.
Our specialists calculate the cost-effectiveness of rocking taking into account equipment wear, costs for repair kits, etc.
Calculations show payback of 10 to 100 times for almost all freons at high residual pressure (start of swing) and 2 to 10 times under high vacuum.
Equipment often pays off from the first 10 barrels.
Send a request and our experts will offer you the best solution to save your money.